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Biomasa – zdroj energie a nové možnosti rozvoja vidieka


Biomasa – zdroj energie a nové možnosti rozvoja vidieka

Name and surname of author:

Matej Polák

biomass, fytomass, greenhouse effect, renewable sources, investment effectivity, effectivity, biogas
DOI (& full text):
In this paper the author deals with renewable source of energy, as a phenomena of 21 st. cen-tury, that should eliminate a gradual reduction of fossile fuels, the negative consequence of incre-asing the fossil fuel consumption on the air and climatic changes. In this paper a present situation for use of OZE (RES) in Slovakia, the possibilities of biomass use for the production of biogas and energy from biomass in the frame of Košice and Prešov region, there is presented. The author used the criteria for land energy potential evaluation and their possible use for pro-duction of fytomass. In the cooperation with the Research institute for Land Fertility and protection in Bratislava there vere given areas of primary, secondary and other land for the production use of renewable resources of raw materials and energy, performed calculation of production of biomass and energy production from biomass. The use of biomass in the Slovak agriculture will contribute to the solution of the main problems in the regions, that belongs to the 10 poorest regions in EU. Especially it will help to form new jobs in agriculture and in local sphere it will help to form a synergy effect by the help of regional partnership will contribute to support the science and education and new technologies. The use of biomass will help to form a heating net. Energy from biomass is an energy without crisis and also it is a part to climatic protection. At evaluation from biogas followed the economic calculations connected with measurements of parameters of biogas production at cooperative farm Kapušany where a biogas station is active. This paper deals with evaluation of investment effectivity on biogas station.
In this paper the author deals with renewable source of energy, as a phenomena of 21 st. cen-tury, that should eliminate a gradual reduction of fossile fuels, the negative consequence of incre-asing the fossil fuel consumption on the air and climatic changes. In this paper a present situation for use of OZE (RES) in Slovakia, the possibilities of biomass use for the production of biogas and energy from biomass in the frame of Košice and Prešov region, there is presented. The author used the criteria for land energy potential evaluation and their possible use for pro-duction of fytomass. In the cooperation with the Research institute for Land Fertility and protection in Bratislava there vere given areas of primary, secondary and other land for the production use of renewable resources of raw materials and energy, performed calculation of production of biomass and energy production from biomass. The use of biomass in the Slovak agriculture will contribute to the solution of the main problems in the regions, that belongs to the 10 poorest regions in EU. Especially it will help to form new jobs in agriculture and in local sphere it will help to form a synergy effect by the help of regional partnership will contribute to support the science and education and new technologies. The use of biomass will help to form a heating net. Energy from biomass is an energy without crisis and also it is a part to climatic protection. At evaluation from biogas followed the economic calculations connected with measurements of parameters of biogas production at cooperative farm Kapušany where a biogas station is active. This paper deals with evaluation of investment effectivity on biogas station.
