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Teoretické aspekty postupu řešení negativních důsledků rizik pomocí pojištění


Teoretické aspekty postupu řešení negativních důsledků rizik pomocí pojištění

Name and surname of author:

Dana Martinovičová

risk, risk management, minimization of risks, company, insurance
DOI (& full text):
In recent years, risk management gains ground of interest of entrepreneurs and companies management. Entrepreneurial environment is affected by a wide range of factors which have not been very frequent, known, or intensive in the past; e.g. risks rising from big climatic changes and natural disasters, catastrophic incidents caused by human power, fraudulent acts, but also the risks rising from a development of technologies and from globalization. From the view of a company, management of the risks resulting from an entrepreneurship represents wide complex of problems. What is important there, it is especially a prevention that proposes systematic purposeful actions which take a wording in set of rules focused on a minimization of erroneous decision (on a maximal reduction of potential missteps). Choice of precautions leading to minimization of risk depends on many circumstances, especially on financial and human resources which a company is endowed with. It also depends on feasibility of these precautions which should always be proportional to the extent and quality of resources available. It is necessary to pay attention to judicious choice of precautions of risk minimization especially in connection with requirement of a complex understanding of risks identification. In the submitted article, the entrepreneurial risks and solving of their consequences are characterized as well as the possibilities of their funding are mentioned here. Profile of the entrepreneurial risks and possible procedure of risks´ negative consequences solving by the means of insurance are characterized in following part of the article. Personal attitude of the author to this specific broad issue is presented in the article as well. The content of this article should be a contribution to the issue of risk management and also to the insurance as to the concurring branch of science.
In recent years, risk management gains ground of interest of entrepreneurs and companies management.
Entrepreneurial environment is affected by a wide range of factors which have not been
very frequent, known, or intensive in the past; e.g. risks rising from big climatic changes and natural
disasters, catastrophic incidents caused by human power, fraudulent acts, but also the risks rising
from a development of technologies and from globalization.
From the view of a company, management of the risks resulting from an entrepreneurship represents
wide complex of problems. What is important there, it is especially a prevention that proposes
systematic purposeful actions which take a wording in set of rules focused on a minimization
of erroneous decision (on a maximal reduction of potential missteps).
Choice of precautions leading to minimization of risk depends on many circumstances, especially
on financial and human resources which a company is endowed with. It also depends on feasibility
of these precautions which should always be proportional to the extent and quality of resources
available. It is necessary to pay attention to judicious choice of precautions of risk minimization
especially in connection with requirement of a complex understanding of risks identification.
In the submitted article, the entrepreneurial risks and solving of their consequences are characterized
as well as the possibilities of their funding are mentioned here. Profile of the entrepreneurial
risks and possible procedure of risks´ negative consequences solving by the means of
insurance are characterized in following part of the article. Personal attitude of the author to this
specific broad issue is presented in the article as well. The content of this article should be a contribution
to the issue of risk management and also to the insurance as to the concurring branch
of science.
