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Health Insurance in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Austria - COMMON ROOTS, COMMON FUTURE?


Health Insurance in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Austria - COMMON ROOTS, COMMON FUTURE?

Name and surname of author:

Miroslav Barták

health systems, health financing, health expenditure, health reform, Central Europe
DOI (& full text):
The paper presents a short overview of health care insurance systems in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Austria and attempts to answer the question whether there is a common future of the social health insurance in the Central Europe. The paper examines the development of health care insurance systems in these coutries from 19th century till today, with special attention to the changes after the World War 2nd and after 1989. The paper shows that the developments in all the countries varied often considerably; consequently, the discussions about future convergence of the social (in this case health) systems in enlarged EU are premature from this point of view. Nevertheless the very important lessons should be learned especially for the Czech and Slovak Republics. The health policy makers in these coutries have to take into the account that the possible reforms which introduce higher out of pocket payments need to be coordinated with the whole health care financing changes.
The paper presents a short overview of health care insurance systems in the Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Germany and Austria and attempts to answer the question whether there is a common future
of the social health insurance in the Central Europe. The paper examines the development of
health care insurance systems in these coutries from 19th century till today, with special attention
to the changes after the World War 2nd and after 1989. The paper shows that the developments
in all the countries varied often considerably; consequently, the discussions about future convergence
of the social (in this case health) systems in enlarged EU are premature from this point of
view. Nevertheless the very important lessons should be learned especially for the Czech and
Slovak Republics. The health policy makers in these coutries have to take into the account that the
possible reforms which introduce higher out of pocket payments need to be coordinated with the
whole health care financing changes.
