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Mentální mapy - úvod do problematiky a metodika výzkumu na Univerzitě Hradec Králové

Business Administration and Management

Mentální mapy - úvod do problematiky a metodika výzkumu na Univerzitě Hradec Králové

Name and surname of author:

Josef Zelenka, Martina Pásková

mental map, cognitive map, perception map, conducted interviews, virtual reality,_x000D_ mental mapping
DOI (& full text):
Cognitive maps are an important part of man‘s interaction with the surrounding world. Research on perception, cognitive and mental maps was conducted at the University of Hradec Kralove during the years 2003 – 2005. The research began with formulation of introductory hypotheses and questions, discussion of different types of researched perception, cognitive and mental maps, creation and verification of research methodology, provision of information support, then followed with determination of application fields for perception, cognitive and mental maps and several directions of experimental research on perception, cognitive and mental maps. As a research tools for cognitive mapping conducted interviews, structured and non-structured mental mapping, and preferences and experiences given to the photos of sceneries by respondents were used. The use of computer graphics is in preparation phase. The possibility of the selection of the suitable cognitive representation was verified as well as the modelling methods of their static and dynamic structure. Model of three-dimension continuum of cognitive map was created. In the research frame, cognitive maps created at travelling time, cognitive maps of home/ homeland and favoured places, cognitive maps of familiar and of non-familiar environment were analysed. In six regions of the Czech Republic (Bohemian Paradise, Prague, Sumava (Bohemian Forest), Ceske stredohori (Bohemian Midmountains), Lednice – Valtice cultural landscape, Giant Mountains), people were questionnaired about their perception maps of landscape. Mental maps of European countries were other research subject. An application of cognitive mapping methodology for the research of man‘s environmental preferences was investigated.
Cognitive maps are an important part of man‘s interaction with the surrounding world. Research
on perception, cognitive and mental maps was conducted at the University of Hradec Kralove
during the years 2003 – 2005. The research began with formulation of introductory hypotheses
and questions, discussion of different types of researched perception, cognitive and mental maps,
creation and verification of research methodology, provision of information support, then followed
with determination of application fields for perception, cognitive and mental maps and several directions
of experimental research on perception, cognitive and mental maps. As a research tools
for cognitive mapping conducted interviews, structured and non-structured mental mapping, and
preferences and experiences given to the photos of sceneries by respondents were used. The
use of computer graphics is in preparation phase. The possibility of the selection of the suitable
cognitive representation was verified as well as the modelling methods of their static and dynamic
structure. Model of three-dimension continuum of cognitive map was created.
In the research frame, cognitive maps created at travelling time, cognitive maps of home/
homeland and favoured places, cognitive maps of familiar and of non-familiar environment were
analysed. In six regions of the Czech Republic (Bohemian Paradise, Prague, Sumava (Bohemian
Forest), Ceske stredohori (Bohemian Midmountains), Lednice – Valtice cultural landscape, Giant
Mountains), people were questionnaired about their perception maps of landscape. Mental maps
of European countries were other research subject. An application of cognitive mapping methodology
for the research of man‘s environmental preferences was investigated.
Business Administration and Management
