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Zahraničně obchodní aspekty vývoje konkurenceschopnosti ČR na cestě do EU (vybrané problémy)


Zahraničně obchodní aspekty vývoje konkurenceschopnosti ČR na cestě do EU (vybrané problémy)

Name and surname of author:

Božena Plchová

cla, kvóty, ochranná opatření, antidumping, Evropská dohoda, Všeobecný systém preferencí, podpora exportu, Světová obchodní organizace, Středoevropská dohoda o volném obchodu (CEFTA)
DOI (& full text):
The competitive level of the Czech economy is evaluated as the very important precondition to be fulfilled before the accession to EU. Trade policy rules and measures belong to the factors influencing export efficiency and competitiveness. The study deals with the contemporary Czech trade policy and compares it with the Common trade policy inside the EU. There is given attention to the Czech trade policy measures as: import tariffs, quotas, safeguard measures, exchange rate, export promotion, treaties, agreements. Special attention is given to the trade relations and trade policy measures in the mutual relations between the Czech Republic and European Union. Conclusions are given from the point of view what and in which relations there is expected as more liberal conditions with third countries and which are risks and threatens.
The competitive level of the Czech economy is evaluated as the very important precondition to be fulfilled before the accession to EU. Trade policy rules and measures belong to the factors influencing export efficiency and competitiveness. The study deals with the contemporary Czech trade policy and compares it with the Common trade policy inside the EU. There is given attention to the Czech trade policy measures as: import tariffs, quotas, safeguard measures, exchange rate, export promotion, treaties, agreements. Special attention is given to the trade relations and trade policy measures in the mutual relations between the Czech Republic and European Union. Conclusions are given from the point of view what and in which relations there is expected as more liberal conditions with third countries and which are risks and threatens.
