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Udržitelný rozvoj a venkovská turistika

Udržitelný rozvoj a venkovská turistika

Name and surname of author:

Eva Šimková

udržitelný rozvoj, venkovská turistika, ekoturistika, strategický plán, marketing
DOI (& full text):
The article deals with relationship of the sustainable development and rural tourism. It highlights the importance of rural tourism for the future of mankind and different needs for doing business in this area. Effective strategic planning and qualified marketing approach as the key aspects of rural tourism management are analysed. The main steps of strategic and marketing planning are also described. The article also reveals the relationship of the "Local Agenda 21" as a fundamental instrument of the territorial development from the view of the sustainable development. The described "Environmental Assessment" negotiates impacts of all activities for environment. "Risk Assessment" and its usage is shown at the SWOT analysis
The article deals with relationship of the sustainable development and rural tourism. It highlights the importance of rural tourism for the future of mankind and different needs for doing business in this area. Effective strategic planning and qualified marketing approach as the key aspects of rural tourism management are analysed. The main steps of strategic and marketing planning are also described.
The article also reveals the relationship of the "Local Agenda 21" as a fundamental instrument of the territorial development from the view of the sustainable development. The described "Environmental Assessment" negotiates impacts of all activities for environment. "Risk Assessment" and its usage is shown at the SWOT analysis
