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Psychologické aspekty kultivovaného verbálného prejavu v pracovnom procese

Business Administration and Management

Psychologické aspekty kultivovaného verbálného prejavu v pracovnom procese

Name and surname of author:

Tatiana Soroková

verbálny prejav, moderná rétorika, obsah prejavu, forma prejavu, podmienky úspešnej komunikácie.
DOI (& full text):
Psychological Aspects of Cultured Verbal Utterance in Environmental Process Nowadays, there is more and more attention paid on the quality of a verbal expression in world´s economically strong countries. Actually it signifies an evolution trend leading to whole-world oratory renaissance. Subjects as well as courses connected with verbal and non-verbal communication become an important component of academic education on each type of manager courses and faculties of philosophy, pedagogics, law, economy and others. Diction becomes an important part of a personality presentation whose success is determined besides else by a competitive environment. This is the main reason why nowaday politicians, businessmen, managers, economists, lawyers and other public-busy people are interested in the quality of their communication expression and the art of talking to people.
Psychological Aspects of Cultured Verbal Utterance in Environmental Process
Nowadays, there is more and more attention paid on the quality of a verbal expression in world´s economically strong countries. Actually it signifies an evolution trend leading to whole-world oratory renaissance. Subjects as well as courses connected with verbal and non-verbal communication become an important component of academic education on each type of manager courses and faculties of philosophy, pedagogics, law, economy and others. Diction becomes an important part of a personality presentation whose success is determined besides else by a competitive environment. This is the main reason why nowaday politicians, businessmen, managers, economists, lawyers and other public-busy people are interested in the quality of their communication expression and the art of talking to people.
Business Administration and Management
