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Příspěvek k hodnocení vývoje spotřebních norem energií


Příspěvek k hodnocení vývoje spotřebních norem energií

Name and surname of author:

Miroslav Farský, Martin Neruda

Spotřební normy, - energie, - časové řady
DOI (& full text):
A Contribution to Evaluation a Development of Consumption Standards of Energy This problem was discussed on example of data from balances of fuel-energy economy in Germany in the area before it unites with East Germany, and that for period 1970 - 1993, with using of data published in [8]. A development of joule input to 1 joule output was characterized by long-term average and adequate mean square error, regressive curves and regression with a help of method so called Neural Networks. Up to now development so far does not confirms a realization of advisable trend of the consumption decline, which has own limit, comes from the II. Thermodynamic law. But the system can be mark as stochastic stabile: the coming norms fluctuate among an average in the interval +/- 2 * root mean square error. Authors call attention to a possible influence of fluctuations of climate (atmosphere temperature), to movement of written norms.
A Contribution to Evaluation a Development of Consumption Standards of Energy
This problem was discussed on example of data from balances of fuel-energy economy in Germany in the area before it unites with East Germany, and that for period 1970 - 1993, with using of data published in [8]. A development of joule input to 1 joule output was characterized by long-term average and adequate mean square error, regressive curves and regression with a help of method so called Neural Networks. Up to now development so far does not confirms a realization of advisable trend of the consumption decline, which has own limit, comes from the II. Thermodynamic law. But the system can be mark as stochastic stabile: the coming norms fluctuate among an average in the interval +/- 2 * root mean square error. Authors call attention to a possible influence of fluctuations of climate (atmosphere temperature), to movement of written norms.
