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Poznámky k etice v reklamě, ekonomii a ekonomice

Poznámky k etice v reklamě, ekonomii a ekonomice

Name and surname of author:

Jiří Hofman, Petra Skálová

kupující, prodejce, zákazník, reklama, etika, ekonomie, ekonomika
DOI (& full text):
A Note on the Ethics in the Advertisement, in the Economy, and in the Economics This article deals with substance of exercitation of ethics in advertising. Authors mention some non ethics advertising elements and their influence on customers. They compile characteristic features of behaviour of buyers under pressure of advertisement. The ethics used to be compared to sport match in economics science, because its prime substance comes from rules of game. Because economics defends advertisement as necessary, some views on economy of well-know economists like Adam Smith and Amartya Sen are presented in this paper. The authors mainly think of fundamental questions of ethics in economic areas. The wording of this question is whether the moral specifications and funds are valid in conditions of market economy.
A Note on the Ethics in the Advertisement, in the Economy, and in the Economics
This article deals with substance of exercitation of ethics in advertising. Authors mention some non ethics advertising elements and their influence on customers. They compile characteristic features of behaviour of buyers under pressure of advertisement. The ethics used to be compared to sport match in economics science, because its prime substance comes from rules of game. Because economics defends advertisement as necessary, some views on economy of well-know economists like Adam Smith and Amartya Sen are presented in this paper. The authors mainly think of fundamental questions of ethics in economic areas. The wording of this question is whether the moral specifications and funds are valid in conditions of market economy.
