Statistická analýza výroby vaček ve Výzkumném ústavu textilních strojů Liberec, a. s. v letech 1997 - 2000
Name and surname of author:
Petr Václavík
vačka, klouzavý průměr, sezónní rozdíly, sezónní indexy, sezónní faktory,model konstantní sezónnosti se schodovitým trendem, sezónní očišťování
DOI (& full text):
The aim of the following contribution is to carry out a statistical analysis of the cam production in Research Institute of Textile Machines Liberec (VÚTS) in 1997-2000, to carry out an analysis of the time series of VÚTS' sales for the cam production and seasonally cleaned time series of sales.
The aim of the following contribution is to carry out a statistical analysis of the cam production in Research Institute of Textile Machines Liberec (VÚTS) in 1997-2000, to carry out an analysis of the time series of VÚTS' sales for the cam production and seasonally cleaned time series of sales.