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Balanced Quotation Analysis in IT Projects

Information management

Balanced Quotation Analysis in IT Projects

Name and surname of author:

Dominik Vymětal

Request for Proposal assessment, balanced scorecard, IT project perspectives
DOI (& full text):
In large IT projects aiming at ERP change, a lot of tools can be used, which are very often used in unstructured way. In spite of a lot of tools proposed for Request for Proposal (RFP), it often happens in the analysis of answers to RFP that secondary and soft evaluation techniques can be omitted and cause wrong award decision. In this paper we propose structured approach using modified balanced scorecard idea in analysis of RFPs to solve challenges mentioned using combination of several perspectives. These perspectives are: Sense of the project -processes required in the new system, Internal impact perspective, Success criteria and Proposing company perspective. The result achieved shall depict the company preferences as a whole and should be flexible enough to allow for company specifics. The Balanced Quotation Analysis in this sense could be defined is a set of combined definitions and methods for balanced evaluation of individual criteria set by company sending the RFPs. In part three steps and necessary formulas are described and explained. An example of proposed methodology is shortly presented based on case of a middle sized company aiming at complete change of its IT infrastructure and ERP in part four. Relatively simple Excel tool was prepared to support setting up and calculation of BQA criteria. It is shown that a balanced structured approach taking various such criteria into account can bring surprising results and help top management to decide which proposing party should get the award. In presented example this was the case. During the project controlling of the project discussed some underestimated criteria weights caused delay in overall project time later. Using right criteria, their weights and proper balancing could help to avoid such cases in future.
In large IT projects aiming at ERP change, a lot of tools can be used, which are very often used in unstructured way. In spite of a lot of tools proposed for Request for Proposal (RFP), it often happens in the analysis of answers to RFP that secondary and soft evaluation techniques can be omitted and cause wrong award decision. In this paper we propose structured approach using modified balanced scorecard idea in analysis of RFPs to solve challenges mentioned using combination of several perspectives. These perspectives are: Sense of the project -processes required in the new system, Internal impact perspective, Success criteria and Proposing company perspective. The result achieved shall depict the company preferences as a whole and should be flexible enough to allow for company specifics. The Balanced Quotation Analysis in this sense could be defined is a set of combined definitions and methods for balanced evaluation of individual criteria set by company sending the RFPs. In part three steps and necessary formulas are described and explained. An example of proposed methodology is shortly presented based on case of a middle sized company aiming at complete change of its IT infrastructure and ERP in part four. Relatively simple Excel tool was prepared to support setting up and calculation of BQA criteria. It is shown that a balanced structured approach taking various such criteria into account can bring surprising results and help top management to decide which proposing party should get the award. In presented example this was the case. During the project controlling of the project discussed some underestimated criteria weights caused delay in overall project time later. Using right criteria, their weights and proper balancing could help to avoid such cases in future.
Information management
