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Correlations between the Increase in Motivation and Increase in Quality

Business Administration and Management

Correlations between the Increase in Motivation and Increase in Quality

Name and surname of author:

Martina Blašková

quality, motivation, motivating, human potential, organization, questionnaire research
DOI (& full text):
The paper deals with the quality from the point of view of motivation, and vice versa, it deals with the motivation from the point of view of the quality. It defines the basic correlations between the quality and the motivation in an organization. The quality is a system phenomenon which includes three subsystems: human personalities (human potential), appearances, and elements of material and nonmaterial environment, also. The most important of these three subsystems is human potential, because only human motivation, intellect, competence, skills, and experience can achieve the increase in quality of the appearances and the elements of organization. It is possible not only to increase quality in the organization by a higher quality of the motivation but also it is possible to increase the quality of motivation by increasing of the quality of the conditions, processes, and relations in the organization. The achievement of a raise of quantitative level of performance of individuals and groups should not be achieved by only the intention of effectual motivating at present hypercompetitive environment. Probably, it is more important to achieve the total quality improving of motivational structures of individuals, a higher level of their identification to a vision and mission of the organization, higher loyalty, innovativeness, willingness to participate on realization of changes in the organization, and voluntary initiative of convenient changes. The interest of employees and managers in future of their organization, team work, perfectionism, mastering, and preceding of pathological conflicts, elimination of needless power rivalry should be supported in the organization. There are three groups of factors those are needed to respect in effort to improve the quality of organizational phenomena by strengthening and increasing the motivation quality: elements which restrain improve the motivation, motivational structures, and processes, elements which decide about a…
The paper deals with the quality from the point of view of motivation, and vice versa, it deals with the motivation from the point of view of the quality. It defines the basic correlations between the quality and the motivation in an organization. The quality is a system phenomenon which includes three subsystems: human personalities (human potential), appearances, and elements of material and nonmaterial environment, also. The most important of these three subsystems is human potential, because only human motivation, intellect, competence, skills, and experience can achieve the increase in quality of the appearances and the elements of organization. It is possible not only to increase quality in the organization by a higher quality of the motivation but also it is possible to increase the quality of motivation by increasing of the quality of the conditions, processes, and relations in the organization. The achievement of a raise of quantitative level of performance of individuals and groups should not be achieved by only the intention of effectual motivating at present hypercompetitive environment. Probably, it is more important to achieve the total quality improving of motivational structures of individuals, a higher level of their identification to a vision and mission of the organization, higher loyalty, innovativeness, willingness to participate on realization of changes in the organization, and voluntary initiative of convenient changes. The interest of employees and managers in future of their organization, team work, perfectionism, mastering, and preceding of pathological conflicts, elimination of needless power rivalry should be supported in the organization. There are three groups of factors those are needed to respect in effort to improve the quality of organizational phenomena by strengthening and increasing the motivation quality: elements which restrain improve the motivation, motivational structures, and processes, elements which decide about a dynamical change of motivational preferences of the employees and managers, and elements which potentially improve the level of existing motivation. The applying of wide range of process, personality, symbol, intellect, communicative-social and cognitive-dynamical motivators can improve the quality of the work behavior and level of performance of the employees and managers in the future.
Business Administration and Management
