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Diverzifikácia finančných zdrojov v neziskových organizáciách


Diverzifikácia finančných zdrojov v neziskových organizáciách

Name and surname of author:

Helena Kuvíková, Gabriela Vaceková

non-profit organisations, multi-source financing, diversification
DOI (& full text):
One of conditions for a successful working of every organization is finance provision. The financial question of existence of non-profit organizations is connected with particularities which are derived from their service and non-commercial status in the society. Nowadays the non-profit organizations face harder forms of competition than ever before which inevitably implies a successful management of a difficult task of mastering and applying modern methods of gaining new financial sources so that they are able to ensure the offer of public service in a range that corresponds with the society needs. In this paper we focused on the diversification of financial sources in non-profit organisations The qualitative evaluation of our outputs has been done through primary research of financing non- -profit organizations by means of sociological method in form of structured questionnaire. The statistical analysis of the data acquired by primary research did not remain on the level of examination of the isolated variables, we also focused on the comparison of dividing as well as relations among the variables whereby we used adequate mathematical and statistical methods of quantitative data analysis and elaboration. The existence of non-profit organisations is endangered by running out or deficit of present financial sources. That is why the non-profit organisations begin to care for modern techniques and methods of financial funds acquisition. Besides incomes from own activity and donations from entrepreneurial sphere or individual donors, their activity is supported particularly from state grants and community budgets. But public funds for financing of non-profit organisations are not sufficient and it is inevitable so these organisations do not rely only on donation aid of state, and they search the alternative ways of their activities financing and try to diversify the structure of their financial sources. By it the independence from one source, short-term and long-term…
One of conditions for a successful working of every organization is finance provision. The financial question of existence of non-profit organizations is connected with particularities which are derived from their service and non-commercial status in the society. Nowadays the non-profit organizations face harder forms of competition than ever before which inevitably implies a successful management of a difficult task of mastering and applying modern methods of gaining new financial sources so that they are able to ensure the offer of public service in a range that corresponds with the society needs. In this paper we focused on the diversification of financial sources in non-profit organisations The qualitative evaluation of our outputs has been done through primary research of financing non- -profit organizations by means of sociological method in form of structured questionnaire. The statistical analysis of the data acquired by primary research did not remain on the level of examination of the isolated variables, we also focused on the comparison of dividing as well as relations among the variables whereby we used adequate mathematical and statistical methods of quantitative data analysis and elaboration. The existence of non-profit organisations is endangered by running out or deficit of present financial sources. That is why the non-profit organisations begin to care for modern techniques and methods of financial funds acquisition. Besides incomes from own activity and donations from entrepreneurial sphere or individual donors, their activity is supported particularly from state grants and community budgets. But public funds for financing of non-profit organisations are not sufficient and it is inevitable so these organisations do not rely only on donation aid of state, and they search the alternative ways of their activities financing and try to diversify the structure of their financial sources. By it the independence from one source, short-term and long-term financial balance, and finally also their permanent sustainability will be ensured.
Appendix (online electronic version):
