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Dimenzie podnikania a vzdelávania a ich implikácie v ekonomike Slovenska


Dimenzie podnikania a vzdelávania a ich implikácie v ekonomike Slovenska

Name and surname of author:

Viera Kuzmišinová, Peter Kuzmišin

knowledge economy, knowledge, doing business, education, regional development, Triple Helix
DOI (& full text):
Paper focuses on role and influence of business and tertiary education into economic development and analyzes selected aspects of the problem in conditions of the regions of the Slovak economy.The theoretical part is focused on knowledge as products of educational and scientific research institutions which are transformed into innovations in enterprises and this way are becoming a driving force of regional development and society. On the background of theoretical generalizations of essential parts of the subject and using an appropriate range of statistical methods (correlation and regression analysis) article examines especially how a dimension of business and dimension of education affects regional development of Slovakia measured by GDP, with the regions of Slovakia as an object of analysis and studied statistical figures are dimension of business, education and the regional performance. Statistical evidence was drawn from a database of Slovak Statistical Office.The specific result of the analysis is to identify readiness for new challenges of the knowledge economy, as demonstrated by business dimension in all regions of Slovakia. Dimension of education has not taken the challenge yet. At the same time both dimensions in Slovakia should change culture of isolation to culture of partnership and cooperation in favour of development and prosperity for everybody within the concept presented by Triple Helix.
Paper focuses on role and influence of business and tertiary education into economic development and analyzes selected aspects of the problem in conditions of the regions of the Slovak economy.The theoretical part is focused on knowledge as products of educational and scientific research institutions which are transformed into innovations in enterprises and this way are becoming a driving force of regional development and society. On the background of theoretical generalizations of essential parts of the subject and using an appropriate range of statistical methods (correlation and regression analysis) article examines especially how a dimension of business and dimension of education affects regional development of Slovakia measured by GDP, with the regions of Slovakia as an object of analysis and studied statistical figures are dimension of business, education and the regional performance. Statistical evidence was drawn from a database of Slovak Statistical Office.The specific result of the analysis is to identify readiness for new challenges of the knowledge economy, as demonstrated by business dimension in all regions of Slovakia. Dimension of education has not taken the challenge yet. At the same time both dimensions in Slovakia should change culture of isolation to culture of partnership and cooperation in favour of development and prosperity for everybody within the concept presented by Triple Helix.
Appendix (online electronic version):
