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New Articles – Economics

Different modelling approaches of tax revenue performance: The case of Baltic countries

Vera Mirović, Branimir Kalaš, Nada Milenković, Jelena Andrašić

Tax revenue performance represents one of the most essential issues to every government when creating and profiling fiscal policy according to the macroeconomic framework of each country. In particular, this issue comes to the fore in extraordinary circumstances and unstable trends when governments are exposed to greater costs of financing budget deficits and public debts. Tax revenue mobilization shows the government’s ability to collect sufficient revenue to finance government expenditures,…

DOI (& full text): doi.org/10.15240/tul/001/2023-3-002 more

Perception regarding European Green Deal challenges: From environment to competition and economic costs

Iuliana Claudia Stoian (Bobalca), Raluca Irina Clipa, Mihaela Ifrim, Anca Elena Lungu

The objective of sustainable development cannot leave aside the relevance of short-term benefits, long-term negative externalities, and opportunity costs of actions implied by the complex relation economy-society-environment. The transition to a green economy cannot be based exclusively on win-win solutions for all involved parties but requires taking into consideration potential trade-offs between several objectives. The EU strategy for achieving sustainable development and energy security is…

DOI (& full text): doi.org/10.15240/tul/001/2023-3-001 more

On competition and transparency in public procurement during the COVID-19 pandemic in the European Union

Matus Kubak, Peter Nemec, Robert Stefko, Marcel Volosin

Government expenditures on acquiring services, goods, and work through public procurement represent a substantial proportion of the EU’s GDP. Competitive and transparent tendering procedures are generally believed to promote achieving the primary goals of public procurement: maximising value for money and reducing corruption. However, during the crisis, procurement rules allow a temporary departure from transparency standards toward fast and more discretionary procurement procedures justified…

DOI (& full text): doi.org/10.15240/tul/001/2023-2-001 more

Critical success factors for public procurement of innovative solutions in Central Europe: Empirical study

Martin Januska, Alena Palacka

This article aims to evaluate critical success factors in the use of the Public Procurement for Innovations (PPI) concept. The first part of the article deals with a systematic research literature review on the topic of critical success factors for PPI. In the second part, the authors present empirical research conducted as an add-on to the projects PPI2Innovate and RI2integrate within the Europe and Interreg Danube programs. These projects (whose research team included one of the authors of…

DOI (& full text): doi.org/10.15240/tul/001/2023-2-002 more

Structural Change and Growth Prospects in the Turkish Economy: A Demand-Side Decomposition Analysis

Şahin Nas, Maya Moalla, İsmail Tuncer

Over the past four decades, Turkey has undertaken a wide range of reforms that aim at the liberalisation of foreign trade, relaxation of the tariff system, deregulation of the financial system, and foreign investment regulations. Significant structural change experienced in the Turkish economy pursues access to the global market. This paper presents an empirical investigation of the growth prospects in both the Turkish economy and manufacturing industry during the whole period from 1995 to 2015…

DOI (& full text): doi.org/10.15240/tul/001/2023-1-002 more

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