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Teoretický fundament přímých zahraničních investic - pohled firmy


Teoretický fundament přímých zahraničních investic - pohled firmy

Name and surname of author:

Pavel Štrach

nadnárodní společnost, přímé zahraniční investice, rozvojové země, repatriace zisků, know-how
DOI (& full text):
Theoretical Fundament of Foreing Direct Investment - Firm View According to surveys multinational corporations create up to 80 % of total world GDP. The Worldbank confirms a 30 % portion of total GDP is a subject for international business operations. Multinational (transnational) corporations demonstrate at present most important economic power, mostly uncomparable to economic power of national states. Developed and developing economic inteconnections demonstrate themselves also in the form of foreign direct investment, which is today about 600 billion USD. According to logical build up there are at present two major theoretical streams surveying the problems of foreign direct investment. The following article shows theoretic fundament of FDI from the investor's point of view. On the other side there is a view of domestic (investment incoming) country.
Theoretical Fundament of Foreing Direct Investment - Firm View
According to surveys multinational corporations create up to 80 % of total world GDP. The Worldbank confirms a 30 % portion of total GDP is a subject for international business operations. Multinational (transnational) corporations demonstrate at present most important economic power, mostly uncomparable to economic power of national states. Developed and developing economic inteconnections demonstrate themselves also in the form of foreign direct investment, which is today about 600 billion USD. According to logical build up there are at present two major theoretical streams surveying the problems of foreign direct investment. The following article shows theoretic fundament of FDI from the investor's point of view. On the other side there is a view of domestic (investment incoming) country.
